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Find a Nanny or Babysitter

Searching online at is an excellent way to start the process of finding nannies or babysitters in your area. Searching is simple, and allows you to scan a comprehensive database of live in nannies, part time nannies, full time nannies, babysitters and mother’s helpers, easily and efficiently. The advanced search in helps filter the results to better suit your needs.

Use the ideal portrait you created earlier to help you narrow your search. For example, enter the number of years’ experience you’d like your nanny to have or perhaps your budget allowance to filter the candidates to match your needs.

The profiles of nannies required by are very thorough, so you can find out a great deal about a candidate even before your first phone call. Use the profiles to screen or filter the nannies that best fit the ideal list you created earlier. The profiles will give you a better understanding of what skills each nanny has, and any other information you deem important in your search. also makes it easy to manage your shortlists of candidates with our own built-in watch list feature.

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